Making sure everyone’s on the same page about the deliverables is crucial. Fail to do so and you might end up with more work than you bargained for.
Test Your Proposal Writing Skills
Want to speak to your clients' challenges more effectively or simply brush up on your proposal writing? You've come to the right place
Take this interactive quiz and learn how to spot room for improvement in the proposals you send every day. And remember: all winning business proposals have one thing in common - great writing.
Add sections to your proposal
The key to proposal writing is knowing what should be included, and what should be left out. In this sample proposal, that’s exactly where we’ll start.
Click on the items to add them as sections of your proposal. Careful, though - not all of them belong in a proposal your client wants to receive.
Congratulations! You’ve added all the necessary sections to your proposal.
While the content is an important aspect of proposal writing, how it’s presented also matters. To set your proposals up for success, you need to make sure they have a good flow.
Take another look at the sections you’ve added and move them up or down to create a logical order.

Hi Maria,
We look forward to working with you!
While there might be other companies submitting proposals for the same job, avoid selling yourself short. Your business may not be as well known as some of your competitors, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have the best solution for the client.
Fix it
Let me start by saying that, as a small web design company, we are truly grateful to you for considering us. We know that there are bigger, more established companies out there you're also talking to. For us, the fact that you would take the time out of your day to read our proposal really means everything.
During our meeting, we identified a number of improvements we could make to your current website in order to represent your brand more effectively and increase the number of new leads you receive.
As you mentioned, slow loading speeds, an outdated design, and poorly optimized content for SEO are the main reasons for losing leads. To top it all off, the lack of mobile responsiveness is a huge drawback at a time when most of us use phones to browse deals online.
Proposal writing is about keeping your client’s priorities in mind. As excited as you may be for the project, stay professional and shift the focus from yourself to providing the client with valuable information.
Fix it
Our entire team is so excited about this project, it seems like we've already won it. There are no words that can describe the joy we collectively feel and I just know that we are the team that's going to make your website dreams come true.
To make sure your website is up to standard, we suggest a complete overhaul and relaunch. We'll start by identifying unique solutions your company brings to the market and creating consistent messaging that speaks to your audience. In addition to that, our plan is to employ modern lead generation tactics to increase your conversion rate by 4%.
Don’t forget to guide your client through the process from the start. Clearly show them what steps they need to take once they’ve decided to close the deal and make sure they know you’re available to answer additional questions.
Fix it
I've included all the details in this proposal because I want to show you how we are going to make your company stand out. At the end of the day, your satisfaction is what matters to us the most. In this proposal, you will find information about your new website, our process, a success story, and the project pricing.
Sounds good so far? We've laid out all the details in the rest of the proposal, so keep reading and see exactly what we can do for your business. If you like the offer, simply sign it digitally and we'll get to work.
Any questions, feel free to reach out!
Congratulations! Your introduction is now ready to be seen by a client.
You’ve successfully removed all the fluff from the Introduction section and made it relevant to your proposal. Your client now knows you’ve been listening to their concerns and wants to keep reading what you have to offer.
Next up: addressing your client’s pain points and presenting your solutions.
Let the proposal writing begin
Proposal writing is about more than just stating your services and the price. A good introduction shows your client you’ve understood their challenges, and a bad one might just cost you the deal.
Take a look at the following introduction and identify the paragraphs that could use some help. Click on them to reveal the improvements.

Our Solutions
While presenting my products or services to potential clients, I will get the best results if I:
a) Use a lot of technical terms
Overusing industry jargon can result in frustration and misunderstandings. Adapt the language you use to the reader instead.
b) Use everyday language
Besides making your proposal easier to understand, using everyday language also makes it easier for your client to say yes
a) Get into the specifics
Every client is unique, and so are the sets of challenges they’re facing. Show them you’re the right person for the job by presenting them with personalized solutions.
b) Keep it as vague as possible
Proposal writing often includes templates, and there’s nothing wrong with that. As long as your clients don’t feel like you’ve sent them one, that is.
a) Emphasize the benefits
Benefits are what ultimately sells a product or a service. Showing your client positive outcomes can only get the deal closed faster
b) Emphasize the features
Instead of telling the client what your product or service is, let them know how it will help make their lives easier.
Awesome! Your client now knows exactly what you plan on doing for them.
Now that you’ve eliminated unnecessary jargon and clarified what changes you’ll make, it’s time for the timeline and deliverables. Remember: defining the deadline and scope of work is one of the most important parts of proposal writing.
Your Process & Timescales section should be here not only to manage client expectations, but also to keep you accountable. That said, some ways of going about writing it are better than others.
This is where you come in
After you’ve shown your client that you understand what they’re struggling with, it’s time to let them know how you intend to solve it. However, don’t get carried away. If your client doesn’t understand what you’re saying, chances are they won’t want to work with you.
Take a look at the following options and identify the ones that will help you close the deal.
Our Process
We believe in offering a comprehensive approach to web development. That's why we look at your brand and business, your values, and your target audience to deliver a web solution that both engages visually and ensures you achieve your business goals.
To keep things simple and everyone collaborating effectively, we find this is best achieved in the 5 simple steps below.
While describing our process to potential clients, I will achieve the best results if I:
a) Keep the description generic
Avoid sending the same template to each client. Make sure they know the proposal was written specifically for them.
b) Tailor the description to the client
Nobody likes to feel like just another number. Personalizing your proposal template for each client is a must.
a) Include the client in the process
Explaining your process while reassuring your client that they’ll be included every step of the way creates a great working relationship.
b) Let the client know I’ll be taking over
The truth is, some clients might want minimal involvement with the project. However, excluding them entirely isn’t the best way to create a working relationship
a) Emphasize no feedback will be needed
Writing off all feedback right off the bat might make your client feel excluded from their own project.
b) Leave room for feedback
Asking for feedback and leaving room for potential changes is a great way to show your client their satisfaction is important.
In general, it takes us between 5 to 6 weeks to get the website live
Great job! You now know great proposal writing when you see it.
So, the logical next step? Try seeing bits and pieces that you could improve to take your proposal writing skills to the next level.
Great expectations
Good communication and a clear end goal are key to any business relationship. And during the proposal writing process, the following section is crucial for achieving them.
Keeping clarity and expectation management in mind, compare the pairs of blocks below and click to select the correct one.

ABC Legal Success Story
We increased ABC Legal's conversion rate by 87% in just 4 weeks!
The background Success speaks for itself
ABC Legal Company contacted us when they needed to re-brand and build a new website. They have been around for over 20 years and operated with the same marketing material they started with. The only new business inquiries were from referrals. They had a website, but it hadn't been touched in over 10 years.
We suggested to re-brand the company. The name would stay the same, but there would be a new logo and color scheme, along with a new website with an emphasis on bringing in new leads.
Four weeks from launching the new website, they have gone from one new lead a week to approximately nine every week. On average, they were converting one in five inquiries.
At the current rate, it means that, instead of getting one new client every five weeks, they are bringing in one new client every four days.
Here is what ABC Legal Company's Managing Partner had to say about this experience:
"The new website has surpassed all my expectations and paid for itself fully within the first few weeks. This is incredibly exciting!"
- Margaret Smith, Managing Partner
Crazy what a good title and a quote can do, right?
Remember, social proof is about more than just stating your previous clients. Adding a quote or two and some stats boosts the credibility of your case study.
Up next, the most important part of your proposal: the pricing section.
A few tweaks is all it takes
It’s easy to get stuck in a rut while writing proposals, especially if you do it often. That said, minor edits are sometimes all that’s necessary to take your proposal writing from good to great.
Next, you’ll see a case study that isn’t terrible, but it could use some love. You’ll also see three power ups that you can use to make the case study better. Simply drag the correct power up into the correct paragraph and watch the transformation happen!
Your investment
Research and planning |
$0 | |
Website design |
$4,995 |
Hosting |
$546 /year | |
Express delivery |
25% extra |
That’s a bit steep - or is it?
By now, you’ve honed your proposal writing skills, but you still need to master the section clients spend the most time on. Yes, you’ve guessed it - it’s the pricing section.
This one should be fairly straightforward. All you need to do is click on the button below to see a pricing table and identify the improvements it could use. Ready?
Now, let’s do it right.
Let’s be honest - there is a lot wrong with the pricing table you just saw. This time, we give you the same pricing table elements, just organized properly.
Your investment | ||
Standard Items | ||
Website design Design and development of your new website |
$4,995 | |
Recommended Extras | ||
Hosting Email for your entire company and hosting for your new website |
$546 /year |
Optional Extras | ||
Express delivery Delivery within 4 weeks from the time of signing |
+25% |
Extras One-off Total |
Extras Annual Total |
One-off Total |
Annual Total |
Keeping it clear and simple
Confusing pricing is frustrating and could cause you to lose a client, no matter how well-written the rest of your proposal is. To ace your pricing section, remember the following tips:
- Keep it simple
- Add clear descriptions
- Group similar pricing models together
- Don't add too many optional items, especially if they haven't been mentioned before

If you would like to join us and become a client,
follow the simple steps below.
We would be delighted to have you.
Next Steps
I, Doe, agree to the terms of this agreement and I agree that my typed name below can be used as a digital representation of my signature to that fact.
To accept, type your name below
Taking the next step
One final test of your proposal writing skills and you can declare yourself the winner. To pass the challenge, identify the unnecessary steps in the Next Steps section by clicking on them.
Terms and Conditions
You, {{company_name}} are hiring [our company] to design and develop a website for the estimated total price outlined in our previous correspondence.
As our customer, you have the power and ability to enter into this contract on behalf of your company or organization. You agree to provide us with everything that we need to complete the project, including text, images, fonts, and other information as and when we need it, in the format that we ask for. You agree to review our work, provide feedback, and sign-off approval on time, and are bound by any deadlines that we set together. You also agree to keep to the payment schedule set out in this proposal.
We have the experience and ability to perform the services you need and we will carry them out in a professional and timely manner. we will endeavour to meet all the deadlines set but not responsible for a missed launch date or a deadline if you have been late in supplying materials or have not approved our work on time at any stage. We will also maintain the confidentiality of any information that you give us.
Details of the Work
We will create designs for the look, layout, and functionality of your website. This contract includes one main design and two opportunities for you to make revisions to the final design. If you are not happy with the design at that point, we will provide you with an additional quote for extra design work needed. If instead, you wish to cancel our agreement, you may do so and we will retain the initial payment for the work completed to date.
HTML/CSS Layout Templates
We will develop using valid HTML5 markup and CSS3 for styling. We will test all our markup and CSS in current versions of all major browsers including those made by Apple, Microsoft, Mozilla, Google, and Opera.
We will also test to ensure that pages will display visually in a similar — not necessarily an identical — way in Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 for Windows as this browser is now past its sell-by date.
We will not test these templates in old or abandoned browsers, for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, 5.5, or 6 for Windows or Mac, previous versions of Apple's Safari, Mozilla Firefox, or Opera unless otherwise specified.
Text Content
We are not responsible for writing or inputting any text copy. We will be happy to help, but significant work on our part will result in a charge above and beyond the original price. This will not be done without your approval of an additional quote provided in advance.
If needed, you will supply photographs either in digital or printed format. If you choose to buy stock photographs that price will be added to the initial quote. Stock photography will not be purchased without your written approval.
Changes and Revisions
The estimate/quotation prices in this proposal are based on the time we estimate we will need to accomplish everything that you have told us you wanted to achieve. If you do want to change your mind, add extra pages or templates, or even add new functionality, that won't be a problem. At that time you will be provided with an additional quote for the extra work.
Technical Support
As agreed, the quote provided includes the installation and set up of your site on your server as well as the implementation of Google Analytics. Updates and management of that server, plus any support issues will be up to you.
We do not offer or include technical support for website hosting, email, or other services relating to website hosting. If you do require help with anything beyond the design and development of your site, we will be happy to help.
We are not liable to you or any third party for damages, including lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental, consequential or special damages arising out of the operation of or inability to operate this website and any other web pages — even if you have advised us of the possibilities of such damages.
If any provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason is unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
You guarantee us that any elements of text, graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, or other artwork that you provide us for inclusion in the website are either owned by you or that you have permission to use them.
When we receive your final payment, copyright is automatically assigned as follows:
You own the graphics and other visual elements that we create for this project. We will give you a copy of all files and you should store them carefully as we are not required to keep them or provide any native source files that we used in making them.
You also own text content, photographs, and other data you provided unless someone else owns them. We own the HTML markup, CSS, and other code and we license it to you for use on only this project.
We also reserve the right to display and link to your completed project as part of our portfolio and to write about the project on websites, in magazine articles, and in books.
As agreed, our payment schedule will be as follows but may be revised based on further conversations between us.
[x%] of total fee upon agreement of initial design: [deposit fee]
[x%] of total on delivery of the website (pre-snagging): [second fee]
[x%] of total fee on completion of the project: [balance]
Interest accrued if payment is more than 14 days late. We reserve the right to add 5% to any outstanding balance every 7 days, starting from the 15th day after receipt of the finished product.
You cannot transfer this contract to anyone else without our permission. This contract stays in place and does not need to be renewed. If for some reason one part of this contract becomes invalid or unenforceable, the remaining parts of it remain in place.
Terms and Conditions are pre-written
USER DISCLAIMER: This agreement may not be suitable for your circumstances and we recommend you seek legal advice before using it. Better Proposals does not take any responsibility for any events that arise as a result of your use of this agreement.
Our proposal specialists have found a worthy challenger
Well done! You have proven that your proposal writing skills are second to none. Your introductions are engaging, your service presentation tempting, and your pricing as clear as day.
Remember: you might have beaten us this time, but this is not over yet. We’ll be back with a new challenge soon enough- sign up and be the first to know when it arrives!
Risk taken
While you might be tempted to list your qualifications, keep in mind that this information is already available online. There’s no need to add it to your proposal.
Apart from how long it will take, clients also want to know the price. While writing a proposal, make sure to present the price as an investment, not a cost.
Adding an element of social proof to your proposals can only convince your client further to work with you. Well done!
Risk taken
Yes, your team is the backbone of every project. Still, your proposal is about the solutions you bring. There will be time for the client to meet the team later.
Every client wants to know how long their project will take from start to finish. Setting the right expectations in advance eliminates potential problems.
Risk taken
Writing a proposal using Better Proposals means you don’t have to add a Table of Contents. Your proposal sections are automatically visible on the left.
The easiest way to lose business is not to let your clients know how to accept your proposal. Obviously, you won’t be making that mistake.
Including your Terms and Conditions in a proposal is a good call. That way, everyone involved knows they’re covered in case something goes wrong.
The Introduction is important for setting the scene. Reminding your client of the challenges they’re facing and how you can solve them goes a long way.
Risk taken
While writing a proposal, remember that it isn’t about you - it’s about your client. Focus on the solutions to their challenges rather than your company history.