Think about someone’s average work day. You get to work about 8 or 9am. You work hard until about 11. Take a little break, get yourself some coffee while catching up on email and maybe return a few calls. Then that nicely takes you into lunch and when you come back you have the same kind of pattern until you go home.
There is borderline no point whatsoever sending an email to anyone between 8am - 10:30am. No point at all. It’s going to get missed because they’re busy sorting a million other things out.
Be smart. Send it between 11am and 12pm and you’ll be shocked at the open rates.
Apply that same logic with your proposal. It is something they’ve asked for, so it will get opened but you want it to be opened and have them pay attention not just skip to the price page and close it down. The number of proposals that are sent from Better Proposals in the evenings is mental. Trust me when I say this, send them mid-morning or mid-afternoon. You might find responses are slightly quicker.
Sending quickly (within 24h is best, no later than 4 days). Send the proposal as close to the time they asked for it as possible. On this incredibly scientific graph of ‘Time’ vs ‘Give a crap’, you can clearly see the longer you leave it before you send it the less they care when it gets there.
Any longer than 4 days and you are seriously going to struggle. There is a huge difference in getting deals over the line faster but it also makes a massive difference in getting deals signed. This might be the most important thing to take away from this article. In short, get your proposals sent as quickly as possible.
With some of the tips from the discovery process and the templates you can find on our blog and while using the software, you will be able to get most proposals out within 24 hours. This is long enough for it not to look factory farmed but close enough that everything is super fresh in their mind.
Do everything in your power to get the proposal to them within 24 hours and I promise you’ll see an uplift in response, speed of their response and most likely an uplift in approvals too.
Do you fancy listening to podcasts more than reading articles? Our CEO, Adam Hempenstall, had several guest appearances on various podcast channels.
When you invoice your clients, you’re either using Microsoft Word or some form of accounting software. If it’s Microsoft Word, please stop.