This week, we made a major change to how transactional emails are sent from Better Proposals. Previously, we used our own server to send the emails. It was certainly easier to make it this way, but with this comes a lot of responsibility to keep the deliverability high. This wasn't a long term solution as getting into the inbox is vital. We've had a couple of reports of users not being able to get emails into companies with somewhat over-protective spam filters. We've done two things to rectify this: 1. Using Mandrill for transactional emails Now, all notification emails are sent using MailChimp's transactional email service called Mandrill. This should improve deliverability, it'll also mean one less thing for us to worry about. Lastly, because of the tracking Mandrill provides, it'll mean we can assist further whenever there's a report of a client not getting the email. 2. We've added a 'Direct Link' so you can send the link the traditional way. In the event that you've sent a proposal to your potential client but they can't receive it, it's not much good sending it again in the same way because clearly - it's not getting through. Before, there was literally nothing you could do. Now, just go to the proposal's main page (where you'd view the tracking) and next to the 're-send' icon you'll see a 'link' icon. Clicking that will give you a unique and secure URL for each recipient which you can copy, then paste into a regular email. In summary - the original method is improved and there's a self-service backup plan in place too. Any questions, let us know.
Shot on a boiling hot hotel rooftop in Split, I cover the importance of using video in your proposals and the various advantages it has.
You want to have your best ever year next year? You also know exactly what you need to do. So the question becomes then, why don't you just do it?