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How To Persuade Anyone To Buy Anything: Interview with Mitch Miller

One of the most in-demand copywriters on the planet

Mitch Miller is one of the leading authorities on business persuasion and in this interview holds nothing back.

We talk about:

  • Why you should always lead with the value first
  • Never get technical and what to do if the client asks you technical questions
  • One word you should never say or use in your proposals and what word you should replace it with
  • Don't think of proposals as proposals or suggestions, think of them as action plans
  • Why acting like a Doctor will land you more sales
  • How to end your proposals that has your clients wanting to sign them
  • ...and so much more

People are telling me this is one of the best pieces of content we've released (which kinda hurts because all I did was ask the questions) but it's telling that Mitch's thoughts and ideas have resonated. I can say with 100% confidence that any proposal, headline, email, phone call or text will be better if you listen to this interview. Truthfully, after all the years I've been friends with Mitch, I feel like I'm a better businessperson because of his advice. You get a sneak peak into why that is today. If you really like what Mitch has to say then he has more for you. He's running a webinar this Sunday (2nd April) all about the power of words. If you thought this interview was good, this is just the tip of the iceberg. It's going to be absolutely rammed with tips, tricks and ideas on how you can make your communication more persuasive and win more business because of it. I'm going to be listening and I think you should join me. Join Mitch with this special invite here.

This is straight from Mitch's Facebook

Let's meet up on Sunday. You are personally invited to our online launch party this Sunday where you can win some FREE stuff & discover a few of my closely guarded copy secrets. We are celebrating the launch of The Copy Penthouse Experience to the world later this month and when you join us live Sunday morning here's what you can expect:

1. Prizes

We will be drawing names and playing Opposed Media trivia where 3 people will have the opportunity to win: - Advance access to the Copy Penthouse program - A Copy Penthouse T-shirt - Two tickets to our next live event (worth $1997)

2. Special Copy Training

I'll be revealing **for the first time ever** Mitch’s "3 Michelin Stars" Sales Pitch Recipe For Crafting Multi-Million Dollar Advertising Quickly & Easily Following this recipe, you will be able to craft killer copy even if you are not a good writer! I'll be revealing the recipe in its entirety - I won't hold back.

3. Live Hot Seats / Copy Demonstrations

We'll be crafting quick copy on the spot, a race to see how fast I can turn around a piece of copy I've never seen before. I'll also be critiquing your copy LIVE and in real time.

4. Sneak Preview Of Copy Penthouse

I'll show you inside the penthouse doors and you can see all of the amazing things located inside before anyone else will. We will be releasing this program to the world later in the month and this will be your chance to lay eyes on it first (I'll even show you how to order an advance copy for yourself if you like). Fun stuff.

Adam Hempenstall's profile image
Adam Hempenstall is the CEO and Founder of Better Proposals. He started his first web design business at 14 and has since written four books and built an international movement around sending better proposals. Having helped his customers win $500,000,000 in the last 12 months alone, he’s launched the first ever Proposal University where he shares best practices on writing and designing proposals. He co-runs a once-a-year festival called UltraMeet and is a massive FC Barcelona fan.