Mega Call are Better Proposals customers so they're sending web based proposals to their customers. They've made really good use of the features available to them too which is excellent.
Their structure is spot on. All the right information is included and nothing major missing. There's not too many pages so it doesn't look daunting but there's enough there that it looks comprehensive.
Very good. Looks engaging which is very important while not having too much text in the introduction. My only piece of criticism which is easily fixable, is it's a little wordy. It could be easier to read. You're never going to insult your customers by making your copy easy to read. The main issue here is the targeting. Who's this written for? My guess is that Mega Call have about 3 or 4 main reasons why their customers switch to them. I would suggest spending time writing 3 or 4 different introductions and use them dependent on the needs of the customer. They could look at tips for writing landing page copy for ideas on how to sum up the value you offer in 1 sentence or less.
This is a brilliant use of being able to use HTML in proposals. They've laid out all the different features of their software/service using icons and a short description. All in keeping with their brand which looks great. Very smart.
They've hidden the lesser called countries in a linked PDF which I wouldn't usually recommend but the number of people looking at this service to call Nigeria vs USA or Australia is slim to none. Putting the commonly called countries front and centre then drawing the line and hiding the others to avoid a massive page of confusion is brilliant.
Superb. They've got the legal stuff separate and moved the signing box to its own page which is excellent.
This page needs a bit of work in my opinion. It's great they've got this page on its own but I think it needs some instruction to the user on what to expect next.
Excellent proposal and very little wrong with it. Putting a bit of thought into the introduction would be a brilliant step to really create that "Ah these guys get me" moment when their recipient opens the proposal for the first time. Lastly, adding some next steps to the 'Going ahead' page would really help.
How to write a sales proposal that wins business. There’s only one thing you need to do. Make them feel you are the right company or person for the job.
When you invoice your clients, you’re either using Microsoft Word or some form of accounting software. If it’s Microsoft Word, please stop.