Our CEO, Adam Hempenstall, had several guest appearances on various podcast channels. All of them have interesting topics, mostly connected to developing your own business and increasing sales with epic proposals.
Here is the list of Adam's podcasts made in the last few months:
1) Click Funnels Podcast
While listening to this podcast, you will learn how to close more deals at higher price while eliminating scope creep. Adam explains how increasing your conversions is as simple as decreasing your output time. Also, he emphasizes that price points and confidence of your product have a direct relationship.
2) WP Elevation - WordPress Business Podcast
Adam begins the interview by explaining that we need to stop looking at proposals as a necessary evil and start looking at them as one of the most important components of your business processes. “Afterall, if your proposals suck, you won’t land the job!”
3) Salesflare Founder coffee
This podcast covers Adam's career path and daily business activities. Also, he shares his advices which can help every business founder and owner.
4) Mouseflow - Inside the Flow Podcast
In this podcast, Adam brings a wealth of entrepreneurial knowledge to the table, while discussing some of the obstacles, failures, and successes that come with launching your own product and business.
5) Agency Trailblazer Podcast
Listen to good advices about growing an agency and learn key best practices in creating communicating with clients, creating proposal documentation and winning business.
Let us know which one helped you the most, and what topics would you like to hear from Adam in the future podcasts.
The document you send to your prospects in order to win business is the most important asset your business has.
When you invoice your clients, you’re either using Microsoft Word or some form of accounting software. If it’s Microsoft Word, please stop.