Prior to now you had to create a template in order to really save time. This is still fine if you sell one thing like a website for example. But what if you wanted to also sell them a marketing campaign or an explainer video for their website in the same proposal? Lots of copy and pasting from different templates. Not fun.
Now there's a save button next to each of the content blocks. Click it, give it a name and boom. Saved. You can do this from any proposal or template.
To add content from the library to a template or a proposal, you'll find a new tab inside the green 'Add to this page' slide-in menu called Content Library. Just start searching for what you want and click to add it.
Last year, we added feature blocks as a way of adding a splash of colour to your proposals. They’ve been used in many different ways.
When you invoice your clients, you’re either using Microsoft Word or some form of accounting software. If it’s Microsoft Word, please stop.