If you're like most people, you've come across Word documents and PDF files more times than you can count. As a matter of fact, they're so widespread that it's difficult to find a person who doesn't have some version of Microsoft Word and a PDF viewer installed on their computer.
Working with Word files and PDFs can be described as full of suspense, hope, and anticipation - but not in a good way. Want to make some changes to a contract sent to you in PDF? Good luck converting it. Need your Word document to look presentable because you're writing a business proposal? Might as well throw in the towel now if you want impeccable formatting.
The fact of the matter is, you have a better chance of editing your expectations than Word or PDF files. Here's why and what to do instead.
All the issues we have with Word today stem from the fact that it first came out 40 years ago. Developed by former Xerox programmers, its format is designed for the creation of documents you intend to print.
Seeing that the world is going more and more digital as time goes on, it's no wonder offline software is falling behind. The way we send documents has changed from stamps and envelopes to links. And with that, so has the functionality we look for in document creation software.
We want speed, ease of use, and documents that bring a wow factor. And while it's possible to make a Word document look presentable, anyone who's ever tried will tell you it doesn't come easy.
Try to remember what it was like when you first started out using Microsoft Word. Maybe you tried inserting an image and couldn't get it to stop moving around the page. You probably thought it was your lack of knowledge that was the reason. After all, everyone uses Word, so it must be okay, right?
Next time, you wanted to insert a table and a few text boxes, but ended up with an entire blank page you couldn't delete. Must be you again, you're new to this.
A few days later, you get an MS Word doc as an email attachment. You download it, but it doesn't look the same as it does on your colleague's computer. Again, it's on you - you didn't download the font that's in the original document.
Since you learn from your own mistakes, in time you manage to find ways to make Word work for you. You can still never get your document looking exactly the way you want it to, but at least it's presentable enough.
As you continue using Word, finding workarounds for virtually anything becomes so normal you don't even think about it twice. And that's the fundamental problem Word has - it does many things, but none of them particularly well.
Finishing a document in Word can sometimes feel like you've done it in spite of Word as opposed to with the help of it. At the end of the day, a mountain of options becomes frustrating as soon as you realize you'll be spending hours figuring out the formatting.
Invented 30 years ago by Adobe, PDF (portable document format) was seen as a solution to a previously mentioned problem: documents not looking unified across computer systems. And while sharing documents became worry-free, another problem occurred.
Compared to a Word file, you can't edit documents you received as a PDF file as easily. Since the file format's primary goal is to preserve data, you have three options if you want to edit it:
Similarly to Word documents, the reason you still get the occasional PDF file is because it works. The format has been around for a long time and everyone knows what it is. That said, using it for business does come with its own set of problems that go beyond just editing.
Because PDFs are offline documents, viewing them involves extra steps you wouldn't have to take if you simply clicked on a link. Now, it's true a client reading a proposal or a contract won't see storing your PDF on their phone or computer as an issue. After all, they were expecting to get some sort of document from you. So what's the problem with PDF downloading then?
Imagine it's a Saturday afternoon. You've decided to go out for drinks with friends. You get to the bar, but you're in the mood for something new, so you check for the price list. On the table, you see their custom QR code. Naturally, you scan it and click on the link.
As soon as you do, you see a progress bar on your phone informing you how long it will take to download your file. Now you have the bar's price list downloaded to your phone, in PDF. Great, right?
Will you look at it again at home? No. Will you forget you already have it on your phone by the time you go to the same bar again? Yes. Does that mean you'll download the same PDF again the next time you go there? Also yes.
Seeing that as much as 58% of business proposals are now opened on mobile devices, sending PDF files to your clients isn't the best way to close deals. Let's go back to the PDF price list example for a second here.
So, you've downloaded the PDF file and opened it on your phone. Chances are, if you want to actually read what it says, you now need to zoom in. Once you've found a drink you like, you want to check the price, so you need to scroll to the right.
Only one problem now - you can't see both the drink and the price in the same line. If that sounds frustrating, just imagine what it's like for a client who needs to read proposals or contracts in PDF format.
Standing out among competitors has always been important for bringing in new business. And since online document software has become the standard for modern companies, using a static, PDF format won't give you that competitive edge.
While PDF files can contain images, vector graphics, and hyperlinks, they're outdated. That's because online document formats available today:
Both PDF and Word files are document formats fundamentally built for paper. If you're doing a lot of printing, they'll come in handy. Ultimately, the choice between PDF and Word comes down to your specific needs. For example, if you want other people to be able to edit your document, Word is the better document format. However, if you want to preserve content and formatting, you might prefer a PDF.
In any case, sending business documents in PDF format is something clients no longer expect. According to our research, even if you offer the option of a PDF file to clients, 88% of them won't want it. Here's why you shouldn't either.
If you're sending a Microsoft Word document or a PDF, you're probably going to send it as an email attachment. Only one problem there - the file size. If what you're sending is a document larger than 25 MB, you'll first have to upload it to a file sharing service and then send the link.
Another issue with Word and PDF documents is the fact that, once they're out there, you no longer have control over them. Anyone you've sent the file to can forward it to someone else, which is especially dangerous if your documents contain confidential information.
Even if you give your customers the option of downloading a PDF file from a landing page, the data you end up with is limited. Think about it - you might see how many times people downloaded your PDF, but what did they do with it after? Did they actually read it or did they just leave it in the downloads folder?
Without this information, you can't qualify leads effectively. What's more, since you don't know how they engaged with your content, you also miss out on improving or optimizing it.
If you're sending a contract to a client, chances are you want to get their signature on it. By sending Word and PDF files, you leave your client with two choices, both of them a logistical nightmare:
Seeing that inserting digital signatures into PDF and Word means the client needs to have a valid signing certificate, most will opt for printing and scanning. After all, not all clients have digital signature certificates lying around, and getting one to sign a single PDF or Word file is more trouble than it's worth.
While Word and PDF remain popular formats, it's more a force of habit than for their functionality. The fact is, they aren't the ideal solution for businesses that need content delivery, digital signatures, and document management in the same platform.
Whether you're sending legal documents, business proposals or brochures, consider upgrading to online document software like Better Proposals. Here are just some of the reasons why it's a better idea than sending a PDF:
The fact is, Word has been around for such a long time that we're all just kind of used to it. And while it's true that it used to be the best document software once upon a time, we now have other tools better designed for online document management.
If you're sharing documents with clients, you want to look professional and provide a great user experience. With MS Word and PDF, you might just end up frustrating them and losing business as a result.
Let's settle the battle of electronic vs traditional contracts once and for all. Here's everything you need to choose the right option for your business.
Think about the impression you're trying to give off and then ditch Word proposals for good. They make you look pathetic.
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