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The job is to improve the conversion rate of your website

Words are the tools to do it.


The design of your website has clearly been attended to by professionals and is way above industry standard. The copy needs to match that high standard. Only then will we be able to bring that conversion rate from the 1% range up to 3%+.


Writing copy for your own business is frustrating.

Technically, you should be the best-placed person to do it; you speak to your customers every day, you’ve been in the industry for years.

So why is it that writing about your own business is so hard?

Turns out, your customers don’t need all the information you have in your head. They just need the right information.

It’s my job to:

  • Learn what your customers want
  • Extract the right information from you
  • Present it in a way that your customers want to read it

That process is far easier said than done which is where using a professional comes in.
There’s a method to this that has been crafted over the course of a 9-year career in copywriting, persuasion and buying psychology.

When all the smoke has cleared

After I’m done, this is what you’ll be left with


This is a 4 week process which will leave you with not only world-class copy on your website and a conversion rate shooting through the roof, but you’ll gain an understanding of your customers that you’ve never had access to before. I've listed out the 'battle plan' below.

Customer Survey

It’s absolutely vital we understand who we’re talking to before we begin. To do this, we will write a survey and get as many responses as possible. This will give us the answers we need. Typically we will create the survey and write an email for you to send to your list however you usually do.

This is the vital first step. If this isn’t done, it doesn’t matter how good of a copywriter you are, it’s simply impossible to write copy that anyone will respond to.

Website Copy

In our discussions, you highlighted that the pages you’d like re-written are:

  • Home
  • Your 4 landing pages

The objectives of these pages are pretty straight forward. Use the findings in the survey to establish the problems and desires and present them in a way that compels your visitor to take action and contact you.

The content of these pages should be as short as possible but as long as necessary to get the visitor to take action.

Customer Understanding

You can never truly have every piece of copy written by a professional. Assuming budget wasn’t an issue, you’d still have the issue of needing things done quickly. Having a clear understanding of your customers' desires and some stock ways of explaining crucial elements of your service will be invaluable.

Copy is everywhere. In your emails, your social media posts, your private LinkedIn messages, your social profiles. None of which are you going to bother using a professional for but you’ll be able to confidently handle these yourself.

A simple plan

Process and Timescales


It’s vitally important for your business and ours that we both stick to agreed timescales. Assuming that happens, it will take 3 weeks to complete. This assumes we get the go-ahead before [DATE].

The Process, step-by-step

The process of writing your copy is a delicate one. Following this process ensures that we have all the information we need to write the best copy possible.

Here’s the process, start-to-finish.

Step 1:

Figure out the phrases people use with a survey


Understand the tone you want to go with


Create messaging hierarchy and tone template


We email you suggestions and our findings


First draft


Send to you to review and go through it on a call.


72hr reflection period to make suggestions


Final edits and submission


Suggestions for the website. 

Meet Jane from ABC Law

Jane Mata from New York also wanted to increase her website conversion rate


You are in the same situation our friend Jane was in a few months ago. Her law firm had a great reputation and a lot of long-standing clients but new business wasn’t as easy to come by. Their old style and approach needed to be refreshed.

They made the decision to have the copy re-written internally but ended up with the same kind of thing they had before. I spoke with Jane and it didn’t take much to convince her to let us take a look.

We did the exact same thing with them that we described in this proposal and, well, I’ll let Jane tell you what happened below.

A few words from jane

“No wonder our copy wasn’t working - There were about 10 steps to their process of writing the copy and we just did 1. The writing bit. We didn’t even really edit it. [YOUR NAME] just came in, took charge and handled it like a copywriting hitman. Superb.

As for results, we couldn’t be happier. Conversion was hovering around the 1% mark on an amazing day but realistically, 0.5%. The new copy has been up about a month and although it’s early, conversion has shot up to over 4%. Absolutely superb.”

- Jane Mata | ABC LAW

Pricing that works

Your Investment

Let's get your business presented the way it deserves...

Our pricing is simple and our results are proven.
But hey don't take our word for it:

“Working with Jen has changed our business and my life personally. Her ability to portray what we do got us from £5,000 a month to £20,000 a month within 8 months. Within hours of signing the contract she was rocking and rolling."

- John Smith | ABC Design

Re-thinking and re-writing your website copy
One-off Total

you're now only 1 step from success

How to go ahead

Next Steps

We start today

It goes without saying that we’d love to get started and have you onboard as a client.

As with everything in our business, we make things as simple as possible. The next steps are listed below.

Sign below

Before we get started you need to sign our proposal. 

To do that, simply type your name in the box below and click ‘Sign Proposal’. Next...

  1. We’ll invoice you for 50%. Pay this the second you get it. 
  2. We’ll have a call to get the survey planned.

We can’t wait to start getting results for you as quick as possible to reiterate that you made the right decision.

[your name]
[your position]

I, Doe, agree to the terms of this agreement and I agree that my typed name below can be used as a digital representation of my signature to that fact.
  • To accept, type your name below
  • To accept, draw and type your name below
    Type your name

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