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State the biggest benefit your product will bring to your client. 

Address your client and thank them for considering your product.

Briefly recap the initial meeting you had with your client. State the common issues they’re currently facing.

Tell them how your product can help with the problems they’re having. Don’t go into too much detail - that’s what the Product Overview section is for.

Let your client know what results they can expect from using your product and how that connects with the issues they’re having now.

Product Overview

Briefly describe what the product you’re offering is.

Our Product Benefits

  • Benefit 1
  • Benefit 2
  • Benefit 3

Product Features

Product Feature 1

- Describe which benefits the client will get from the product thanks to this feature.

Product Feature 2

- Describe which benefits the client will get from the product thanks to this feature.

Product Feature 3

- Describe which benefits the client will get from the product thanks to this feature.

Case Study

NOTE (please delete): If you don’t have a case study, but do have testimonials, please delete this section and use the Testimonials section instead.


Short introduction stating why the client/company decided to start using the product.


Write a short paragraph about the company or client - what they do, where they are from, which industry they are in, how many employees or clients they have.


Write a paragraph about the problems they had before they started using your product.

The Solution

Describe how the client found out about your product and why they thought it would be a good solution for the challenges they were facing.

The Results

Describe how your product helped your client. Mention different aspects of your product that contributed to the solution and give examples how.

"Include a quote or two if you can."

- Client Name -

A Few Words From Our Happy Customers

NOTE (please delete): If you decided to use the Case Study section above, please delete this section.

Add your client testimonial here.

- Client Name -

Add your client testimonial here.

- Client Name -

Add your client testimonial here.

- Client Name -

Add your client testimonial here.

- Client Name -

Your [Product / Service Name] is Only a Few Steps Away

Below you can find the pricing options for [PRODUCT / SERVICE NAME], as well as optional items we offer.

Your Investment
Product / Service Name
Short Description
Product / Service Name
Short Description
One-off Total

Let's Get Started!

If you would like to join [NUMBER] of happy {{product_name}} users, follow the simple steps below.

We would be delighted to have you.

Next Steps

Step 1

Review the product options above and add any optional items you are interested in.

Step 2

Sign below by typing your name and clicking 'Sign Proposal'.

Step 3

We will set up the billing and be in touch with your invoice details.

I, Doe, agree to the terms of this agreement and I agree that my typed name below can be used as a digital representation of my signature to that fact.
  • To accept and sign, type your name below
  • To accept, draw and type your name below
    Type your name
Accept and sign

Terms & Conditions

USER DISCLAIMER (Please Delete): This agreement may not be suitable for your circumstances and we recommend you seek legal advice before using it. Better Proposals does not take any responsibility for any events that arise as a result of your use of this agreement.

These Terms and Conditions apply to and govern all sales of Products by {{your_company_name}}, a company incorporated in [COUNTRY] under number [REGISTRATION NUMBER], whose registered office is at [REGISTERED OFFICE ADDRESS].

1. Definitions.

In these Terms and Conditions, the following words have the following meanings:   1.1 “Conditions” means these Terms and Conditions. 1.2 “Contract” is an agreement for the purchase of the Products by the Customer from {{your_company_name}} including a written quotation from {{your_company_name}} which is accepted by the Customer, or any written order of the Customer which is accepted by {{your_company_name}}. 1.3 “Customer” means the person, company or organization so described in the Contract. 1.4 “Intellectual Property Rights” means patents, copyright, registered and unregistered design rights, utility models, trade marks (whether or not registered), database rights, rights in know-how and confidential information and all other intellectual and industrial property rights and similar or analogous rights existing under the laws of any country and all pending applications for and rights to apply for or register such rights. 1.5 “Products” means products manufactured or supplied by {{your_company_name}}.

2. Basis of the sale.

2.1 {{your_company_name}} will sell and the Customer will purchase the Products in accordance with any written quotation from {{your_company_name}} which is accepted by the Customer, or any written order of the Customer which is accepted by {{your_company_name}}.

2.2 No amendment of, variation of or addition to the Conditions governing the Contract will be binding unless accepted by the authorized representatives of both {{your_company_name}} and the Customer in writing.

2.3 Any typographical, clerical or other error or omission in any sales literature, price list, quotation, acceptance of offer, invoice or other document or information issued by {{your_company_name}} shall be subject to correction without any liability on the part of {{your_company_name}}.

3. Intended use of the products.

The Products are intended for [INTENDED USE OF PRODUCTS]. The Products are not suitable for [POSSIBLE PRODUCT USES YOUR COMPANY IS NOT LIABLE FOR].

4. Quotations, price and orders.

4.1 The prices set out in the offer as at the date on which the order is placed shall apply. The Products remain {{your_company_name}}’s property until full payment of the purchase price is made.

4.2 No order, submitted by the Customer, will be deemed to be accepted by {{your_company_name}} unless and until the Products are dispatched by {{your_company_name}} to the Customer.

4.3 The price of Products will be the price in force at the time of dispatch and {{your_company_name}}’s price list does not constitute an offer to sell at the prices set out in it.

4.4 All prices are exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated and the Customer will pay any and all tax duties and other government charges payable in respect of the Products in accordance with [GOVERNING LAW STATE] legislation in force at the tax point and all other taxes and duties payable in connection with the supply of the Products to the Customer and its export and import into any territory.

4.5 The price of the Products includes packaging, and such packaging is non-returnable.  Unless otherwise expressly stated the price and any quotation do not include carriage and insurance during transport.

5. Payment.

5.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, payment of all invoices will be made by the Customer to {{your_company_name}} in full in [CURRENCY] as invoiced, no later than [NUMBER IN WRITING (NUMBER IN DIGITS)] days from the date of invoice.

5.2 In the event of late payment by the Customer, {{your_company_name} will be entitled to, without limiting any other rights and remedies it may have:

5.2.1  suspend deliveries and/or cancel any of its outstanding obligations under the Contract;

5.2.2  levy a service charge to cover administrative and other associated costs in relation to overdue accounts at the rate of  [NUMBER] % per month on all unpaid accounts; and

5.2.3  to charge interest on any outstanding amount accruing from time to time at the rate of [NUMBER] % per annum above the base rate from time to time of [YOUR CORPORATE BANK] or the amount prescribed in the [RELEVANT LEGISLATION] (whichever is greater) from the due date until the outstanding amount is paid in full.

5.3 The Customer shall have no right to set off any amounts owing to it by {{your_company_name}} against unpaid invoices due to {{your_company_name}}.

5.4 {{your_company_name}} shall have the right for reasonable cause to withdraw or refuse credit facilities or to  require from the Customer cash on or before delivery or security for payment and to withhold delivery until such requirement is complied with.

5.5 Any claim or query by the Customer in respect of the invoiced price of the Products or services must be notified to {{your_company_name}} by the Customer within the period referred to in condition 5.1.

6. Delivery and acceptance.

6.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, delivery shall take place when the Products are passed to the carrier or shipping agent or to the Customer's representative, whichever shall occur first.

6.2 The Customer will ensure that  adequate and safe  facilities and procedures exist for receipt of the Products at its premises at the time of delivery by {{your_company_name}} or its agent or carrier and warrants to {{your_company_name}} that the site where it intends to use the Products is suitable in all respects for their intended use and is licensed in accordance with any relevant local regulations.

6.3 All delivery dates are quoted in good faith but {{your_company_name}} reserves the right to alter them notifying the Customer as soon as is reasonably practicable. {{your_company_name}} does not accept any liability for any direct, indirect, consequential or economic loss or damage due to delay in delivery however caused.

6.4 The Customer will not be entitled unreasonably to delay delivery or refuse to accept delivery. However, if in the opinion of {{your_company_name}} the Customer:

6.4.1 is not ready to receive the Products on the day intended, or

6.4.2 fails to give {{your_company_name}} adequate instructions, or

6.4.3 fails to collect the Products intended for collection, or

6.4.4 fails to comply with the provisions of condition 6.2 in whole or in part,

then the Customer shall be liable for any loss occasioned to {{your_company_name}} by its neglect, refusal or inability to take delivery of the Products and also for such costs and expenses as {{your_company_name}} may incur in storing the Products and, if applicable, re-delivering the same. In addition, {{your_company_name}} shall have the right to sell the Products at the best price readily obtainable and (after deducting all reasonable expenses) account to the Customer for the excess over the price under the Contract or charge the Customer for any shortfall below the price under the Contract.

6.5 The Customer will promptly notify {{your_company_name}} in writing in the event that the Products do not arrive within [NUMBER IN WRITING (NUMBER IN DIGITS)] days of their anticipated receipt.

6.6 The Customer will inspect the Products within [NUMBER IN WRITING (NUMBER IN DIGITS)] days of receipt and failure to notify {{your_company_name}} in writing of any defect or any other proper objection to the Products or their packaging within such a period shall constitute acceptance of the Products by the Customer.

7. Risk and title.

7.1 The risk in the Products will pass to the Customer on delivery.

7.2 The Products supplied by {{your_company_name}} (including any of the Products supplied without charge as part of any sales offer or incentive) shall remain the property of {{your_company_name}} until {{your_company_name}} has received in cash or cleared funds payment in full of all amounts owing by the Customer to {{your_company_name}} in respect of the Products under the Contract and until such time, the Customer will hold the Products as fiduciary agent and bailee for {{your_company_name}}.

7.3 Notwithstanding that property in the Products has not passed to the Customer, {{your_company_name}} will be entitled to sue the Customer for the price of the Products if not paid on the due date.

7.4 In the event that the Customer being a company enters into liquidation or has a winding up order made against it or has a receiver appointed in respect of its assets or being an individual or firm becomes bankrupt or in any other way ceases, or threatens to cease, to carry on business, {{your_company_name}} shall be entitled immediately to terminate the Contract without notice and if the Products have been delivered but not paid for then, provided that such Products have not been resold and without limiting any other right or remedy {{your_company_name}} may have, {{your_company_name}} may at any time require the Customer to deliver up such Products and, if the Customer fails to do so promptly, enter any premises of the Customer or of any third party where the relevant Products are stored in order to recover them.

8. Warranty and limitations of liability.

8.1 {{your_company_name}}’s Products are warranted to meet any product specifications in effect at the time of shipment. Notice of non-conforming or faulty Products must be made to {{your_company_name}} within  [NUMBER IN WRITING (NUMBER IN DIGITS)]  days of receipt of the Products subject to condition 8.6. This product warranty limits {{your_company_name}}’s liability to the replacement of the product only. {{your_company_name}} will not be liable under the warranty for any damage or loss arising from wear and tear, willful damage, negligence, abnormal working conditions, failure to follow instructions or out of the use, the result of use or the inability of the Customer to use the Products.

8.2 Except for the warranty in condition 8.1, all warranties, conditions, terms, undertakings and obligations on the part of {{your_company_name}} implied by statute, common law, custom, trade usage, course of dealing or in any other way are, to the extent permitted by law, excluded (except for the implied warranty or title).

8.3 The Customer warrants that they have not been induced to enter into the Contract by any representation or by any warranty (whether oral, or in writing, or in any other form) except those expressly made part of the Contract. The Customer waives all claims for breach of any warranty and all claims for any misrepresentation, (negligent or of any other kind, unless made by {{your_company_name}} fraudulently) which is not specifically set out in the Contract as a warranty.

8.4 Nothing in this Agreement limits {{your_company_name}}’s liability for fraud, or death, or personal injury arising as a result of {{your_company_name}}’s negligence or any other liability which may not, by law, be excluded.

8.5 {{your_company_name}} will not be liable to the Customer for any loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of data, loss of opportunity, loss of business and loss of goodwill (in each case whether direct or indirect) or for any indirect, or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses and other claims (whether caused by the negligence of {{your_company_name}}, its agents, sub-contractors or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the Products or in any other way out of the Contract; and

8.6 the maximum liability of {{your_company_name}} under or in connection with the Contract will not exceed the amounts which have been paid or which have become payable by the Customer whether caused by the negligence of {{your_company_name}}, its agents, sub-contractors or otherwise.

8.7 The Customer will ensure that the specification of the Products ordered is suitable and safe for the intended use or environment of use except where it makes known details of such use to {{your_company_name}} in writing prior to conclusion of the Contract in such a way as clearly to place reliance on {{your_company_name}}’s special skills and such details are accepted by {{your_company_name}} in writing as forming part of the conditions.

8.8 The Customer will handle the Products in a suitable  and safe manner and will comply with any instructions supplied to it by {{your_company_name}}. The Customer will also pass on to users (including purchasers and users of other goods and equipment into which the Products are incorporated) all relevant safety information.

8.9 The Customer acknowledges that they must comply with all applicable laws, regulations and orders with regard to export and trade control, including those that may relate to the export of goods, software or technical information (regardless of whether tangible or intangible).

9. Force majeure.

9.1 {{your_company_name}} shall not be liable for any failure to fulfill the Contract or any term or condition of the Contract if fulfillment has been delayed, hindered or prevented by circumstances beyond its reasonable control including but not limited to fire, explosion, flood, tempest, unusually adverse weather conditions, failure or shortage of power supplies, fault or failure of plant or machinery, war, hostilities, riot, acts of terrorism, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action or trade dispute (“a Force Majeure Event”).

9.2 {{your_company_name}} will promptly notify the Customer if a Force Majeure Event arises and during the period in which {{your_company_name}} is prevented from performing the Contract the Customer will be entitled after giving {{your_company_name}} written notice of its intention to do so to purchase products elsewhere at its own cost and risk and {{your_company_name}} shall not be obliged to make up deficiencies which arise as a result.

9.3 If a Force Majeure Event exceeds one month, {{your_company_name}} may cancel the Contract without liability.

10. General Provisions.

10.1. Dispute Resolution. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this contract shall be settled by arbitration per the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction.

10.2. Notices. Any notice required by this Agreement or given in connection with it shall be in writing and shall be given to the appropriate party by personal delivery or recognized overnight delivery service such as FedEx.

If to {{your_company_name}}: [COMPANY ADDRESS] If to Customer: [CUSTOMER ADDRESS]

10.3. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all understandings and agreements whether written or oral.

10.4. Amendment. No amendment or modification of this Agreement is valid unless in writing, signed by the parties.

10.5. Governing Law. This Agreement is governed by the laws of [GOVERNING LAW STATE], without regard to any conflict of law principles.

10.6. No Waiver. The waiver or failure of either party to exercise any right provided in this agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any other right or remedy to which the party may be entitled.

10.7. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect.

In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.