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The BIG Event Is Here. Get Involved!

This first page is the most important to sell the story of your event,
create impact and engage your sponsors from the very start.



Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to present a very real and unique opportunity to [change the lives of others for the better/make a difference to XYZ cause]. 

We are excited to present our plans for [this event], and with the help of your valued contribution we are aiming to [set out your specific goal, e.g. raise £10,000, bring about greater awareness of this cause]. 

Meeting this goal is vitally important to bring about these beneficial results [e.g. raise money to buy new medical equipment or find an organ donor etc] and therefore we are asking for much-needed help.

Buzz Points

1 | Detail the event you are presenting to your potential sponsors.

2 | Briefly include a bit of background, history and motivation for being.

3 | Explain the mission and/or cause - the 'why' of the event.

4 | Sell the USP of this event.

5 | Tell your client why this event is better than others.

6 | Give an overview of the audience demographics and past successes.

Who Will Attend This Event?

Know Your Audience

Include here an in-depth breakdown of event attendees and as much accurate information as possible - facts and figures speak for themselves.

How many attendees at previous events and how many are predicted for the upcoming event?

What is the demographic of existing clients?

How does this event target new clients?

Sponsorship Brings New Audiences

Why Sponsor This Event?

The Benefits

Explain to your client exactly why this event is a great match to their company, why sponsorship is a unique chance not to be missed, and crucially: what incredible outcomes will come about through sponsorship of this event.

Expand on the benefits of sponsorship. 

This might include brand exposure, one-off mass marketing opportunities, sales leads, or even increase perceived corporate social responsibility

Highlight Return On Investment

Sponsorship Options

Get Involved

What format does sponsorship take? In other words, what exactly are you looking for from your client?

Give a range of opportunities and sponsorship investment levels.

What format does sponsorship take, is it cash, or benefits in kind?
I.e. does the charity need sponsoring £30k or do they need assets .e.g a new heart support machine?

Amazing Returns

What deal do the sponsors get in return? Good examples include:

1) PR deals

2) Mention in special guest talk

3) Logo on event programme

4) Flyers at event

5) Banners in prominent places

6) Media coverage – online/ offline?

Event Testimonials

Happy Clients

Example of previous sponsorship successes.

More ROI facts & figures:

E.g. Business 1 sponsored X rugby team with branded kits which led to massive exposure to 24,000 viewers on live national TV as well as £40,000 kickback from merchandise.

Business 2 vendors of alcohol beverage sponsored a new startup festival business, Year 1 made 1 million, Year 3 made 6 million etc

We Create Opportunity

Your Investment

Sponsorship levels/packages can be customised and should be designed to be as attractive as possible to sponsors, with a detailed explanation of increasing values of prizes or kickbacks.

Bronze Sponsors

  • Social media mentions
  • Email logo inclusion

Silver Sponsors

  • Logo placement
  • Guest speaker mentions

Gold Sponsors

  • Naming rights to event
  • Permanent memorial plaque
  • VIP experiences

Levels To Suit Any Budget

Our Guarantee

Our Formats

Popular guarantee formats include:

1) Brand exposure/visibility to high numbers of valuable/niche potential clients. E.g. sponsorship by a yacht building company will be higher value at a niche event targeting boat owners rather than a generic marine industry event

2) Expanding customer database through data collection at events and mailing lists.

3) Driving traffic to the clients' websites via links /logos on high traffic host organisation website

Can't Get Fairer Than That.

Get Started TODAY

You are justs steps away from our
incredible sponsorship programme.

Next Steps

Step 1
Select your sponsorship level.

Step 2
Enter your name in the 'e-sign' form below.

Step 3
 We will contact you for your branding details.

Event Sponsorship
Bronze Sponsorship
Silver Sponsorship
Gold sponsorship
One-off Total
I, Doe, agree to the terms of this agreement and I agree that my typed name below can be used as a digital representation of my signature to that fact.
  • To accept and sign, type your name below
  • To accept, draw and type your name below
    Type your name
Accept and sign

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