No keyword stuffing
Data backed
Real journalism
Strong opinions
First-hand experiences
Risky Business: 6 Reasons Why You Should Never Send Another Email Attachment
What Happens if Someone Forges Your Signature
Pricing Tables, Automated: The Smart Way to Present Your Pricing
The CSO: The Chief Simple Officer
Are You Overcomplicating Remote Employee Onboarding?
Multiple Brands in Better Proposals: Why and How to Use Them
Get Noticed: Building a Personal Brand as a Freelancer
Choosing the Best Font for Your Proposals
How to Use Better Proposals Reports to Your Advantage
5 (Completely Avoidable) Problems With Your Employee Onboarding Program
Attention, Creative Freelancers: This Is the Tool You Didn’t Know You Needed
How to Find and Protect Your Brand Voice
How to Create a Sales Deck Without Losing Your Mind in the Process
Protecting Your Brand Image With Better Proposals
Hiring Process Glow-Up: Ditch the Job Offer Emails and Do This Instead
Say My (Business?) Name: Choosing Between a Personal vs a Business Brand as a Freelancer
Brand Style Guides: The What, the Why, and the How